Why design should have a seat at the boardroom table.
Design has become an increasingly important business tool in recent years. It is no longer seen simply as the clothes that your business wears, a skin-deep cosmetic veneer that envelopes the more respected art of business strategy. Design is now becoming more widely acknowledged for what it really is – a fundamental driver of business success. Design is becoming the strategy, and it is increasingly being used to successfully develop the foundations of how businesses don’t just become brands, but become highly revered objects of consumers' desires. So if design is such a powerful driver of growth and innovation, why do so many companies still not have design represented at board level?
As a design company – Truth focuses on creating unique brand identities, and developing intuitive user experiences – our design solutions often have a significant impact on a company's success. We often work with our clients at board level as it allows us to inject design thinking into the mix from the start, yet we still find some Brand Managers are reluctant to put you in front of the board. So, what benefits can really be gained from letting design have a seat at the top table?
Strategic Decision-Making.
Design can be a key driver of strategic decision-making. By having a designer (internal or external) on the board, business leaders can ensure that design is integrated into their overall strategy. An external designer or design agency will often bring a fresh perspective to discussions around strategy and provide insights and external experience of how design can support business goals. This can lead to more innovation and effective decision-making that is aligned with the business’ values and objectives.
Human-centred Approach.
Design can help a business stay focused on their customers' needs. By having an experienced design-thinker on the board, a business can ensure that the customer is at the centre of their decision-making. A designer can bring insights into user needs and preferences, helping to create products and services that are tailored to their customers' requirements. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can have a significant impact on the bottom line.
“Design is now becoming more widely acknowledged for what it really is – a fundamental driver of business success. Design is becoming the strategy, and it is increasingly being used to successfully develop the foundations of how businesses don’t just become brands, but become highly revered objects of consumers’ desires. ”
Competitive advantage.
Design is often a key differentiator in a crowded market. By having a designer on the board, it helps businesses ensure that design is integrated into an overall business strategy, creating a unique and recognisable brand experience that sets them apart from anyone looking to bite into their share of the pie. A skilled designer can develop innovative solutions that differentiate them from their competitors, helping them gain a competitive advantage in the market.
Focused Innovation.
Design is the precursor of innovation. Having a designer on the board can ensure that design thinking is integrated early into their overall approach to innovation. A designer will bring insight into user needs and preferences, help identify unmet needs and develop new solutions to meet those needs. This can lead to the development of new products and services that boost growth and differentiation.
Clearer Communication.
As an agency, we often help businesses communicate their values and vision to stakeholders. By having a design thinker on the board, ensures that their brand messaging is consistent and effectively communicated across all channels. A designer will help develop effective visual communication strategies that engage stakeholders and build trust.
All these benefits present a powerful argument as to why design should be represented at board level. We are not suggesting that businesses need necessarily create a CDO (Chief Design Officer) position on their board to thrive. Simply leaning in to your design agency more by having them sit in on board-level meetings can make a huge difference. Designers are trained to challenge convention and can help break the inertia that can often build in any business.
By having a designer on the board, businesses can ensure that design is integrated into their overall strategy, helping them stay focused on their customers' needs, gain a competitive advantage, drive innovation, and effectively communicate their values and vision to stakeholders. As such, if your business does not have design represented at board level you may be missing out on significant opportunities for growth and success.